Shipping & Returns

You may return any item for exchange or refund within 30 days of delivery. The following is the process to follow when you want to exchange or return an item. Item/s to be returned in original condition/not worn or used with tags intact. We cannot exchange or refund for items that are not in their original condition with tags. You will be responsible for the freight of the return of your items and will also need to pay for the freight of your new items. You will be charged $10.00 (plus GST) for the postage of your new items to your requested address. Alternatively, you can drop off/pick up your items at our office. Details are The Branding Business, Unit 1, 32 Northlink Place, Virginia 4014. If you wish for us to return your exchanged item/s to you by freight then we will email you an invoice for the freight ($10.00 plus GST). Once paid you will need to email a copy of the receipt to for your item/s to be dispatched.